Preschool & Daycare Groups

Introduction to the railway world for children starting at 3 years of age.

Daycare centres

Discover trains and railway workers!

For children starting at 3 years of age

Children listen to the story of Canada’s first locomotive, the Dorchester, which is now 175 years old!  See how small this locomotive is compared to the giants in Exporail! Can you tell the difference between a freight car and a passenger car?  An engineer or a trackman? Children learn all about trains and the men and women who worked on the railway. They can imagine themselves driving a huge locomotive as they climb aboard with us.

During the month of December, take part in our Railway Christmas seasonal program!

Capacity: up to 100 children

Tour duration: 90 minutes


All aboard!

Starting at 5 years of age.

Children listen to the story of Canada’s first steam locomotive, the Dorchester, which is now 175 years old! See how small this locomotive is compared to the giants in Exporail! Can you tell the difference between a freight car and a passenger car? An engineer or a trackman?

Children learn all about trains and the men and women who worked on the railway. They can imagine themselves operating a huge locomotive as they climb aboard with us.

During the month of December, take part in our Railway Christmas seasonal program!

Capacity: 100 students

Tour duration: 90 minutes

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